After School Care for School Age Children
in Guernsey County, OH
Providing Educational Programs for School
Age Children Since 1978
Noble Learning Center believes in providing children with educational programs to further improve their growth and expand their love for learning. Children are impressionable, and our teachers show by example the significance of academics, regardless of age. We offer creative curriculums to enhance the love of learning for all students. Noble Learning Center provides age appropriate activities and trips year-round for our school age students, allowing them to explore new and exciting ideas and develop their own opinions. Our dedicated staff assists in the shaping of young minds, and we cannot wait to meet your children and help them grow and succeed. If you are interested in enrolling your child in our before or after school programs, please call us at (740) 732-4722 or contact us online. Serving residents of Cambridge, OH; Senecaville, OH; and surrounding areas of Guernsey County, OH.
Summer Care for School Age
Children in Cambridge, OH
Are you looking for summer care for your school age child? Noble Learning Center provides year-round child care for children ages 0-12 in Cambridge, OH, and the surrounding areas. We provide educational trips and activities for our students, and allow adequate play time to help them exercise and use their imaginations. We provide breakfast, lunch, and a snack for students. Our meals meet USDA guidelines, and we have a cook on-site every day. Noble Learning Center has an outdoor play area for children to spend time outdoors, weather permitting. Our program earned a five-star Step Up to Quality rating, and we continue to provide children with the highest-quality of care.
Noble Learning Center Works with Parents for Effective Learning
Our staff believes in strong parent-teacher communication, and we include parents in our activities whenever we can. Noble Learning Center encourages parent-teacher meetings to discuss what their child is learning and doing, to then open up communication between parents and their children. We also schedule a family night frequently to keep parents up-to-date on our trips and activities, and to get input from parents on future events. If you are interested in child care at Noble Learning Center, contact us today. We serve Cambridge, OH; Senecaville, OH; and the surrounding areas